泌乳媽 #台南火車站圓球 #南藝大造形藝術研究所110級畢業展 - 南藝造形所

泌乳媽 #台南火車站圓球 #南藝大造形藝術研究所110級畢業展 - 南藝造形所 分享到Facebook 泌乳媽 #台南火車站圓球 #南藝大造形藝術研究所110級畢業展 - 南藝造形所 分享到LINE 泌乳媽 #台南火車站圓球 #南藝大造形藝術研究所110級畢業展 - 南藝造形所 分享到Twitter
2023/10/01 to 2023/10/31
泌乳媽 #台南火車站圓球 #南藝大造形藝術研究所110級畢業展 - 南藝造形所

Gôo tsong-tāi 吳宗岱
合辦 臺南市文化局

🟡 展覽名稱 : 橫渡後,指向
🔵 展覽空間簡介 :
🟡 展覽論述 :
In the present , the space and the times are connected by numerous relational properties that shuttle back and forth , expending the conversations of historical context . Brand new experiences are generated and things that was established are navigated .
By contrast , two conceptions are provided with a fresh viewpoint , leads us to the new path of thinking .
<> is an exhibition that located at "Cultural and Creative PLUS - Tainan Creative Center . Diving in the water of recognition that being folded in the documentaries contains certain historical context .How to reinterpret the overlap of current experiences and the emergence of new disparities ?
We are trying to identify the experiential activities embedded within files, memories, and the bastion .
Through the art works , allowing the files ripped from the reflexivities of memories and being re-experienced in the present moment between the place where tourists take brief breaks and the bastion serving as a file repository .
🔵 展覽時地
Time and Space:
文創plus 台南創意中心 原:愛國婦人館(台南市中西區府前路一段195號)
展覽期間 Open Time:
2023/10/01 - 10/29 週一至周日,上午09:00至下午17:00
🟡 開幕座談
Tea party activitiesand forum:
時間 Time:
2023/10/7 下午 15:00 開始
與談人Speaker :
白雙全 (藝術家)、沈裕昌 (教授)
🔵 參展藝術家Artists:
謝律丞、吳宗岱、陳昱行、蘇耀佳、art naming 奇能

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